House (Tv Series)
The character first appears within the present’s pilot episode when he introduces a medical case to Dr. Gregory House. Wilson is Dr. House’s solely true good friend, and frequently supplies him with consultations and help. Wilson is the pinnacle of the Department of Oncology at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Of all the new fellows, Kutner is the most enthusiastic and the one more than likely to go together with House in taking dangers, including unlawful activities. Similarly, in “Mirror Mirror”, he resuscitates a affected person utilizing a defibrillator while the affected person’s skin is moist, inadvertently stunning himself into unconsciousness on the identical time.
After Tritter pressures Wilson to testify several occasions, Wilson reluctantly agrees, unknown to House. Before this, Wilson watches House punch Dr. Robert Chase, insult Cuddy, and incorrectly diagnose a toddler with a situation that would have required the amputation of her left arm and …
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